20 21 22 23 June 2013

CRACK ORDA, at Forte Prenestino in Rome. I will be there, more infohere

from 8 to 26 December 2012

SOLO EXIBITION in Reggio Calabria, at Tag-Art Shop Gallery, vernissage Saturday 8 December h.19.00

from 3 to 15 November 2012

SOLO EXIBITION in Bologna, at Tag-Art Shop Gallery, vernissage Saturday 3 November h.17.30

29 September 2012

GROUP EXIBITION in Rome, at Upter spaces for the event Anfratti Revolution

from 25 September to 6 October 2012

GROUP EXIBITION at MaMo Gallery, in Milan fb page

21 22 23 24 June 2012

CRACKPOCALYPSE, at Forte Prenestino in Rome. I will expose for the third time, more info here

From 27 April to 13 May 2012

GROUP EXIBITION at BlackMarket, Via Panisperna 101, Rome, vernissage 27 April from 19.30 to 2.00

20 April 2012

GROUP EXIBITION at Orion, Ciampino (Rm)

28 January 2012

GROUP EXIBITION at Teatro Tendastrisce in Rome, more info here

20 November 2011

GROUP EXIBITION at Suite Ripa Hotel in Rome, more info here

17 November 2011


from 1 to 30 October 2011

GULLIVER! GROUP EXIBITION at Porta Napoletana VELLETRI (RM), vernissage saturday 1 october h.18:00

2 July 2011

LIVE PAINTING for 6 UP, Perugia urban art contest, more info here

16 17 18 19 June 2011

CRACK 3D Revolution Forte Prenestino, Roma, I will expose for the second time

1 December 2010

EXPO of my works at Locanda Atlantide in Rome

15 October 2010

EXPO of my works at Foollyk in Rome

17 18 19 20 June 2010

CRACK Hate Love Forte Prenestino, Roma, I will be there

8 May 2010

PROJECTION of my works at Faenas Cafe in Rome

From 5 to 28 June 2009

EXPO (flyer) at Fusolab, entry free, from 21.00 to 2.00
Hello! My name is Emma Ferraro and I live in Rome.
I work on digital and traditional supports (with a special attention to wood materials). I am an illustrator, digital colorist, decorator and painter. If you like my art and are interested in my works and gadgets for any purchase or commission (yes I accept commissions!) and others you can contact me by mail:

Seppur mi firmi come Mef, il mio nome e'
Emma Ferraro, nata e cresciuta a Roma.
La mia attivita' si basa su lavori che spaziano dai supporti tradizionali (con un'attenzione particolare per il legno) a quelli digitali.
Lavoro come illustratrice, colorista digitale, pittrice e decoratrice (di piccoli oggetti).
La sezione 'shop' è ancora in fase di allestimento, ma per ogni informazione su eventuali acquisti di miei lavori e gadget o su commissioni o altro, è possibile contattarmi via mail: